This page was exported from Best Free Exam Guide [ ] Export date:Sat Mar 15 6:43:13 2025 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: [Sep 30, 2023] MSP-Foundation Exam Dumps - 100% Marks In MSP-Foundation Exam! [Q22-Q42] --------------------------------------------------- [Sep 30, 2023] MSP-Foundation Exam Dumps - 100% Marks In MSP-Foundation Exam! Exam Dumps Use Real MSP Programme Management Certifications Dumps With 77 Questions! Q22. Under which heading in the POTI model should the current performance level of an operational area be recorded?  Process  Organization  Technology  Information Q23. Which risk response encourages collaboration on risk management activities?  Avoid  Reduce  Share  Prepare contingent plans Q24. Which characteristic describes management rather than leadership?  It is always required in a business-as-usual context  It clarifies the current state and the vision of the future  It resolves the tension between the current state and the vision  It is most effective when influencing people face-to-face Q25. Which governance theme includes carrying out an assessment of the effectiveness of the decisions taken by programme leaders?  Blueprint Design and Delivery  Leadership and Stakeholder Engagement  Quality and Assurance Management  Programme Organization Q26. When applying the vision governance theme, which is an area of focus for the senior responsible owner?  To ensure that the vision statement supports the programme communications plan  To ensure that the organization is capable of achieving the transformation described  To deliver the operational changes needed to achieve the desired end state  To assess the impact of the vision statement on business operation Q27. Which is MOST LIKELY to trigger premature closure of a programme?  The scope of one of the key projects has been changed  There is a change of senior responsible owner  The programme is no longer aligned with corporate strategy  The last tranche has been completed as per the programme plan Q28. Which information about a project should be included in the Projects Dossier?  How the outputs will be implemented into the business  Contribution the project will make to the programme’s benefits  Names of the project team members  Project brief for the project Q29. Which is NOT a characteristic of the programme management principles?  They enable practitioners to achieve transformational change  They have been successful when applied in practice  They ensure practitioners follow common procedures  They are valid in all programme management contexts Q30. Which describes an impact of a risk?  Effect on the programme if something goes wrong  An event that might increase a programme’s outcome  The amount of risk that will be tolerated  Possibility that something will go wrong Q31. Which is a response option to an identified threat?  Accept the risk  Identify the tranche in which it might materialize  Adjust the risk appetite  Assign responsibility for it to the Programme Manager Q32. What provides a visual representation of risk aggregations and interdependencies?  Probability impact grid  Risk register  Summary risk profile  Risk management framework Q33. Which role provides a home for governance and control?  Sponsoring group  Programme board  Programme assurance  Programme office Q34. What role is MOST likely to communicate with operational line managers to ensure that new benefits are identified?  Risk Manager  Senior Responsible Owner  Business Change Manager  Programme Manager Q35. Which of the following statements about a vision-led programme is true?1. Tends to be top down in approach, with cross functional implications2. Evolves from concurrent projects  Only 1 is true  Only 2 is true  Both 1 and 2 are true  Neither 1 or 2 is true Q36. Which is a programme management principle?  Adding value  Vision  Identifying a programme  Corporate strategy Q37. Which is a characteristic of a programme?  It manages the planning, monitoring and control of projects  It co-ordinates, directs and oversees the implementation of a set of related projects and activities  It delivers one or more outputs in accordance with an agreed business case  It defines an organization’s approach to achieving its corporate objectives in a given area of business Q38. Which of the following statements about programme team appointments is true?1. Senior Responsible Owner is appointed by the Programme Board2. Programme Manager is appointed by the Senior Responsible Owner  Only 1 is true  Only 2 is true  Both 1 and 2 are true  Neither 1 or 2 is true Q39. What term represents the desired state of the organization achieved after transition?  Capability  Output  Benefit  Outcome Q40. Which is a description of a programme resource?  The objective of a programme  A process to control a programme  A logical grouping of projects within a programme  An input required by a programme Q41. Which is the BEST description of the purpose of the Projects Dossier?  Lists the projects involved in the delivery of the Blueprint  Specifies a thorough brief for starting each project  Describes the context when starting up projects  Provides detailed requirements for each project Projects dossier provides a list of projects required to deliver the blueprint, with high-level information and estimates.Q42. Which role focuses on monitoring the progress of the programme at a strategic level?  Sponsoring group  Programme manager  Senior responsible owner  Risk manager  Loading … Pass Your MSP-Foundation Exam Easily With 100% Exam Passing Guarantee: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2023-09-30 10:12:38 Post date GMT: 2023-09-30 10:12:38 Post modified date: 2023-09-30 10:12:38 Post modified date GMT: 2023-09-30 10:12:38