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Pass SAS Institute Systems A00-231 exam [Jan 15, 2023] Updated 265 Questions [Q157-Q172]

Pass SAS Institute Systems A00-231 exam [Jan 15, 2023] Updated 265 Questions

SASInstitute A00-231 Actual Questions and 100% Cover Real Exam Questions

Know what topics are covered in the SAS Institute A00-231 Exam

  • Access and Create Data Structures: 20-25%

  • Manage Data: 35-40%

  • Error Handling: 15-20%

  • Generate Reports and Output: 15-20%

What is the salary of an SAS Base Programming Specialist?

The Average salary of different countries of SAS Base Programming Specialist

  • India - 983845INR
  • UK - 9801 Pounds
  • United States - $13000 USD

For preparing best for the SAS Base Programming Specialist (A00-231) certification exam

One of the best ways to prepare for the SAS Base Programming Specialist (A00-231) certification test is by using a good quality SAS Institute A00-231 Dumps. And we here are going to provide you with a list of several good quality study materials on the internet that will help you get certified easily. Defined common challenge and resolve permanent maintenance with libraries raw utility and simplify assignment versa.


Q157. Given the SAS data set WORK.PRODUCTS:

How many observations does the WORK.OUTDOOR data set contain?


Q158. Given the SAS data set WORK.ONE:

What value will SAS assign to Total?


Q159. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.sets;
do until (prod gt 6);
prod + 1;
What is the value of the variable PROD in the output data set?


Q160. The following SAS program is submitted:
options pageno = 1;
proc print data = sasuser.houses;
proc means data =;
The report created by the PRINT procedure step generates 5 pages of output.
What is the page number on the first page of the report generated by the MEANS procedure step?


Q161. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.totalsales;
set work.monthlysales(keep = year product sales);
retain monthsales {12} ;
array monthsales {12} ;
do i = 1 to 12;
monthsales{i} = sales;
cnt + 1;
monthsales{cnt} = sales;
The data set named WORK.MONTHLYSALES has one observation per month for each of five years for a total of 60 observations.
Which one of the following is the result of the above program?


Q162. Given the SAS data set ONE:
The following SAS program is submitted:
data two;
set one;
day = <insert expression here>;
format dte date9.;
The data set TWO is created:
Which expression successfully completed the program and created the variable DAY?


Q163. Which of the following choices is an unacceptable ODS destination for producing output that can be viewed in Microsoft Excel?


Q164. The contents of the raw data file CALENDAR are listed below:
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile ‘calendar’;
input @1 date mmddyy10.;
if date = ‘01012000’d then event = ‘January 1st’;
Which one of the following is the value of the EVENT variable?


Q165. The following SAS program is submitted:

What will the data set WORK.TEST contain?


Q166. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
set work.staff (keep = jansales febsales marsales);
array diff_sales{3} difsales1 – difsales3;
array monthly{3} jansales febsales marsales;
What new variables are created?


Q167. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = sasuser.houses out = houses;
by style;
proc print data = houses;
Click on the Exhibit button to view the report produced.
style bedrooms baths price
CONDO 2 1.5 80050
3 2.5 79350
4 2.5 127150
2 2.0 110700
RANCH 2 1.0 64000
3 3.0 86650
3 1.0 89100
1 1.0 34550
SPLIT 1 1.0 65850
4 3.0 94450
3 1.5 73650
TWOSTORY 4 3.0 107250
2 1.0 55850
2 1.0 69250
4 2.5 102950
Which of the following SAS statement(s) create(s) the report?


Q168. Which one of the following SAS DATA steps saves the temporary data set named MYDATA as a permanent data set?


Q169. The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.passengers;
if OrigPassengers = . then’
OrigPassengers = 100;
TransPassengers = 100;
OrigPassengers = .;
TotalPassengers = sum (OrigPassengers, TransPassengers) +0;
What is the value of the TOTALPASSENGERS variable in the output data set?


Q170. Consider the following data step:

The computed variables City and State have their values assigned using two different methods, a RETAIN statement and an Assignment statement.
Which statement regarding this program is true?


Q171. The following SAS program is submitted:

Which statement is true about the output data set?


Q172. The following SAS program is submitted:
proc contents data = sashelp.class varnum; quit;
What does the VARNUM option print?


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