This page was exported from Best Free Exam Guide [ ] Export date:Sat Mar 15 5:32:32 2025 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: Dumps of PRINCE2-Practitioner Cover all the requirements of the Real Exam [Q146-Q166] --------------------------------------------------- Dumps of PRINCE2-Practitioner Cover all the requirements of the Real Exam Correct Practice Tests of PRINCE2-Practitioner Dumps with Practice Exam Introduction to PRINCE2-Practitioner Certified Exam PRINCE2 Practitioner certification is suitable for anyone managing projects. This could be as part of a formal project management function or a role that involves project management as part of day-to-day work. The Practitioner certification aims to confirm that you have sufficient knowledge and understanding to apply and tailor the method in a range of different project environments and scenarios. Attaining your Practitioner qualification is only one part of becoming a successful and effective project manager. It is important to ensure that yous supplement this with real-life experience working on projects, in addition to investing in personal professional development and wider training. As you know that certification plays a very significant role in terms of your development which could be monetary, professional, etc. It helps you to acquire a prestigious position in the companies, you must be knowing HR use to prefer to give a call to the candidates who are holding certification so the chances of that candidate selection use to be very high. Along with, if the candidates are certified, the employer has trust in employees about the delivery of the projects. How to book the PRINCE2-Practitioner Certified Exam To take the PRINCE2 Practitioner examination you must provide proof of having passed one of the following: PRINCE2 Foundation (or higher) - this only applies to certificates obtained after 1 January 2009Project Management Professional (PMP)Project Management Qualification (PMQ)IPMA Level A® (Certified Projects Director)Project Professional Qualification (PPQ)IPMA Level C® (Certified Project Manager)   QUESTION 146This question provides a number of changes which may or may not be required to the Extract from the Communication Management Strategy provided in the additional information.What statement applies to the Records section?  Move entry 6 to the Configuration Management Strategy because it defines the identification scheme for the project’s products.  Move entry 7 to Communication procedure because it refers to the method to be used for communication to external parties.  Move entry 8 to Tools and techniques because it refers to a filing technique. QUESTION 147Which product should show that without the calendar the company is going to experience difficulties recovering its decline in orders, and alternative solutions are required if the company is going to recover its position?  Benefits Review Plan  Exception Report  End Project Report  Risk Register QUESTION 148Which of the following reports does not contain any information on risk?  Issue Report  Highlight report  Lessons Report  End Stage Report QUESTION 149ScenarioAdditional InformationExtract from the Communication Management Strategy.The project information in the table below is true, but it may not be recorded under the correct heading or be in the correct document.Using the Project Scenario, select the appropriate response to each of the following 5 questions which have been raised by the Project Board.The project is now at the end of the initiation stage. Having decided that the Calendar project is a relatively simple project, the Project Manager combined the Starting Up a Project process and the Initiating a Project process. No Project Brief has been produced. Instead the Project Manager used the project mandate to produce a simple Project Initiation Documentation (PlO). The PlO includes the Business Case, a product checklist and several Product Descriptions, Including the Project Product Description. Short sections are also included for each of the strategies and the controls to be applied. The Project Manager has elected to use the Daily Log to record all risks, issues, lessons and quality – results.After the initiation stage there will be two further stages during which a small number of Work Packages will be authorized. While these are being managed, the Project Manager will hold regular checkpoints, which will support the production of weekly Highlight Reports to the Project Board.This question provides a number of changes which may or may not be required to the Extract from the Communication Management Strategy provided in the additional information.Which statement applies to the Stakeholder analysis: Interested parties section?  Add ‘Internal Creative Team’.  Delete entry 11 because the photographer is internal to the project management team.  Delete entry 12 because the printing of the calendars is outside of the scope QUESTION 150Which 2 statements apply to the Customer’s quality expectations section?  Delete entry 16 because this should be shown on the Product Description for the photos.  Delete entry 17 because this is beyond the scope of this project.  Delete entry 18 because standards should NOT be shown here.  Delete entry 19 because this should appear in the Product Description for the calendar and not the Project Product Description.  Delete entry 20 because this is an expected benefit and should be recorded in the Business Case. QUESTION 151Who is responsible for reviewing the risk management practices to ensure they are in line with the project’s risk management strategy?  Project Support  Project Manager  Team Manager  Project Assurance QUESTION 152Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Reasons heading?  The Marketing department believes that sending a promotional calendar to current and prospective customers will increase orders by at least 10%.  10% of customers have not re-ordered in this financial year.  1,500 orders are expected, each with an average profit of £2k.  The Marketing department believes that the effect of a good company image, portrayed by a successful calendar, will last into a second year.  MNO Manufacturing is experiencing a fall in orders due in part to the increased marketing activities of its competitors. QUESTION 153Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Expected dis-benefits heading?  A high quality, glossy product will involve additional costs.  Individuals in the engineering team who are not selected to appear in the calendar photographs will become de-motivated.  The calendar may not result in the expected 10% increase in orders.  Because the Calendar project is a priority for the MNO Manufacturing Company, the delivery of other projects within the Marketing department will be delayed.  The calendar may not result in the 10 further orders from the list of prospective customers in 12 months. Explanation/Reference:QUESTION 154Project Scenario – Health and Safety Training Project:ABC Company is a well-established training company that uses a standard model to develop training materials and deliver courses to customers.ABC Company has commissioned a project in response to recent changes in government legislation relating to health and safety on construction sites. The project will deliver “capability to provide health and safety training”, including the materials needed for classroom-based training and e-learning. The expected benefits for construction companies include a reduction in lost days and legal costs due to accidents.The e-learning course will be developed by a specialist external consultancy. The materials for classroom-based training will be delivered by ABC Company’s development team. All course materials will be piloted before they are used. ABC Company will deliver training to its customers and also hopes to sell the course materials to other training companies as part of their operational business. ABC Company will use their own sales and marketing departments to promote the courses.The legislation requires construction companies to comply with the new legislation within two years. The course materials and trainers have to be accredited by a government agency before courses can be delivered.ABC Company is planning to deliver pilot courses within five months of starting the project.The ABC Company standard development model for new courses recommends the following stages:End of the Project scenario.Additional Information:The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) founded the company five years ago. Under her leadership, ABC Company has grown quickly into a successful training company. It delivers a range of accredited professional training.The Finance Director is also a founder member of ABC Company and is responsible for authorizing budgets for the Operations and Development Teams. She authorizes all large contracts personally.The Purchasing Manager reports to the Finance Director and is responsible for managing and monitoring supplier contracts.The Operations Director is responsible for the delivery off all training and for the training development budget. His department organizes courses, venues and trainers. They work with the Product and the Sales teams to provide a comprehensive training schedule. ABC Company’s IT manager reports to the Operations Director.The Business Development Director has recently been appointed to identify new training needs and propose new products. She will work with the Operations. Director to ensure a cost-conscious approach and that appropriate development technologies are used for the health and safety course.The Training Development Manager reports to the Business Development Director and is responsible for developing training materials and gaining accreditation, in accordance with the standard course development model. Course developers in his team have skills in a range of development technologies and are allocated to projects as needed.The Training Delivery Manager, who reports to the Operations Director, is responsible for ensuring that internal and external trainers deliver ABC Company training courses to the required standard. He also checks course materials to ensure they are fit for purpose and of the required quality.The Central Services Director has responsibility for corporate communications, facilities management and configuration management. He recently led a project to consolidate all company quality systems into one quality management system and set up a corporate quality department, now managed by the Corporate Quality Manager.The Corporate Document Manager reports to the Central Services Director. She helped establish the company’s document management system and now operates it across the business. She manages a team of administrators and contracts staff when workload is high.The Sales Director joined ABC Company two months ago and is keen to establish himself by suggesting new markets for the courses and material. All account managers and the marketing team report to him. They promote existing training courses to other training companies and existing customers.End of the additional information.The delivery of the pilot courses has been split into two separate products: ‘planned pilot courses’ and‘delivered pilot courses’. ‘Planned pilot courses’ will be produced during stage 3, and the ‘delivered pilot courses’ will take place during stage 4. This will allow the project board to approve the plan for the pilot courses before the resources are committed to delivering the pilot courses.Why is this an appropriate application of the plans theme to control the project?  Because a PRINCE2 project should focus on the quality of the products being delivered.  Because the pilot courses have been broken down into two separate products.  Because the project board should ensure that lessons from one stage are applied to the next stage.  Because the delivery steps to create the pilot courses have been aligned to the management stages. QUESTION 155Additional Information Product DescriptionQuality notes from the Daily LogThe Director of Information Technology Division (DIT) has been asked to ensure that any changes to the outsourced staff employment contracts adhere to employment law. The DIT will review future job descriptions of the transferred staff before the final contract is signed with the selected service provider.The service level agreement between MFH and the selected service provider will specify the type and quality of service required. The selected service provider must follow the industry standards for providing outsourced services.MFH has a quality management system which contains a document control procedure for all its documentation, however this does not include change management.All project documents will be subject to a quality review. Nominated products will require aformal approval record signed-off by the quality review chair.Extract from the draft Quality Management Strategy (may contain errors)Introduction1.This document defines the approach to be taken to achieve the required quality levels during the project.2.The Project Board will have overall responsibility for the Quality Management Strategy.3.Project Assurance will provide assurance on the implementation of the Quality Management Strategy.Quality management procedure – Quality standards4.The selected service provider will operate to industry standards for providing outsourced services.5.MFH document standards will be used.Records6.A Quality Register will be maintained to record the planned quality events and the actual results from the quality activities.7.Configuration Item Records will be maintained for each product to describe its status, version and variant.8.Approval records for products that require them will be stored in the quality database. Roles and responsibilities9.The DIT will check that the employment contracts for outsourced staff adhere to employment law.10.Team Managers will provide details of quality checks that have been carried out.11.Team Managers will ensure that the Quality Register is updated with the names of team members who are involved in the review process.12.The Senior User will review the Product Descriptions of the products to be produced by the selected service provider to ensure that they can be achieved.The service level agreement contains a number of technical terms that are missing from its glossary of terms.  Obtain agreement from the Director of Facilities Division to add these into the glossary of terms within the remaining +2 days tolerance.  Raise an issue (off-specification).  Raise an issue (request for change).  No action required. QUESTION 156While preparing the Quality Management Strategy, the Project Manager noticed that the corporate quality management system does not specifically cover project management.Which option provides an appropriate way for the Project Manager proceed?  Record the development of a corporate quality management system for project management as a prerequisite of the Project Plan.  Proceed with the project without a Quality Management Strategy and adopt the selected service provider’s standards in stage 4.  Seek relevant organizational standards, then facilitate a workshop to discuss the Quality Management Strategy with Project Assurance. QUESTION 157Which of the following activities could trigger the production of an exception plan?  Review Stage status  Giving ad hoc direction  Escalating a project issue  Report stage end QUESTION 158According to PRINCE2, which statement about appointing the MFH Quality Manager to administer theconfiguration management procedure is correct?  The MFH Quality Manager should administer the configuration management procedure on this projectbecause this task should always be assigned to corporate or programme management.  The MFH Quality Manager should only administer the configuration management procedure on one projectat a time. If the MFH Quality Manager already performs this task on another project, another individualshould be appointed.  The MFH Quality Manager would be suitable to perform this task because he is the author of the documentcontrol process and is likely to have the knowledge required for this role. QUESTION 159Towards the end of stage 2, the stage 3 plan is being prepared. This includes the work required to promote thenew courses to other training companies. In addition to the current ways of marketing the courses, the SalesDirector wants to advertise in trade magazines. The likely costs involved and the opportunities it may bringhave been identified.As part of the ‘update the project plan’ activity, what should the project manager be responsible for?  Creating time and cost tolerances for the delivery of the magazine advertisements.  Creating the product description, with detailed quality criteria, for the magazine advertisements.  Recording the effect of implementing the magazine advertisements on the overall time and cost of theproject.  Recording changes to ABC Company risk appetite as a result of using the magazine advertisements. QUESTION 160MANAGING A STAGE BOUNDARYThe ABC Company trainers have been accredited and the course booking procedures have been amended.The ‘managing a stage boundary’ process is taking place at the end of stage 3.Which activity should occur during the ‘update the business case’ activity?  Update the overall plan with the time and cost taken to develop the ‘e-learning course’ and ‘amendedcourse booking procedures’  Break the ‘planned pilot courses’ down into component products in order to identify the work required todeliver them.  Review whether the possible sales of the training course to external companies are likely to cover theproject costs.  Review whether a new team manager should be appointed to lead the delivery of the pilot courses duringstage 4. QUESTION 161ABC has experience of delivering training projects that respond to new legislation. Previous projects have had to change the acceptance criteria, due to further updates being made to legislation during the project.What action should be taken to address this, and why?  Agree and prioritize the acceptance criteria during the initiation stage, because these criteria will be used to determine if the project can be closed.  Agree and prioritize the acceptance criteria during the initiation stage, because they can be amended through change control, if needed.  Set the quality tolerances for the acceptance criteria in the product descriptions, because this would allow for additional changes in legislation.  Set the quality tolerances for the acceptance criteria in the product descriptions, because quality tolerances define the acceptable range. QUESTION 162During the ‘create the project plan’ activity as part of the initiation stage, the project manager identifies several threats to the project timescales. These threats relate to stage 3 products. Therefore, the project manager decides to wait until the end of stage 2 to assess the risks to the project plan.Is this an appropriate application of the plans theme, and why?  Yes, because detailed planning of stage 3 should take place after completion of the stage 2 products.  Yes, because risk planning should take place in the stage plan before the risks occur, not in the project plan.  No, because the risks inherent in the project plan should be assessed, and the plan modified to manage them.  No, because the risk actions to manage project-level threats should be recorded in the risk register. ExplanationReference 163The project is at the start of stage 3, and there will be six teams working on product delivery. In order to exercise control, the project manager has asked each team to submit a detailed team plan for approval. The external team manager for the ‘e-learning course’ has agreed to submit a summary to the project manager, but will submit the detailed team plan to the senior supplier to review and approve.Is the team manager’s response appropriate, and why?  Yes, because a supplier may want to keep the details of the specialist work confidential.  Yes, because team plans are mandatory on a project of this size and complexity.  No, because the project manager needs detailed plans to manage the work of several teams.  No, because the team plan must be submitted to project assurance to check it is viable. QUESTION 164When updating the project plan as part of Managing a stage boundary, what else might be updated?  Exception Plan  Project Management team  Business Case  Project Initiation Documentation QUESTION 165Which of the following roles cannot be combined?  Executive and Senior User  Project Manager and Project Support  Project Assurance and Team Manager  Senior Suppler and Supplier Assurance QUESTION 166The executive has set the following tolerances for stage 2:Time (+/- 1 week)Cost (+/- £20,000)Scope (using MoSCoW prioritization technique)Risk (based on the risk appetite defined in the risk management approach) These tolerances have been recorded in the stage plan. The project manager will report progress regularly via highlight reports to the project board and use exception reports to raise exceptions. In addition, the project assurance role will monitor the stage to provide confidence to the project board that exceptions are being reported.How well does this apply the ‘manage by exception’ principle, and why?  It applies the principle well, because tolerances should be set for the related aspects of project performance for each stage.  It applies the principle well, because the project manager needs to control the project using discrete management stages.  It applies the principle poorly, because tolerances should be set for each stage against each of the six aspects of project performance.  It applies the principle poorly, because it is the regular reporting of progress that should give the project board the required confidence.  Loading … Sample Questions of PRINCE2-Practitioner Dumps With 100% Exam Passing Guarantee: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2022-11-26 09:51:13 Post date GMT: 2022-11-26 09:51:13 Post modified date: 2022-11-26 09:51:13 Post modified date GMT: 2022-11-26 09:51:13