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Pass Your Next H13-723_V2.0 Certification Exam Easily & Hassle Free NEW QUESTION 49existSpark, assuminglinesIs anDStreamobject,filterStatements can be filtered out80%data for the following two The correct statement is:X: lines.filter(…).groupByKey(…)Y: lines.groupByKey(…).filter(…)  XCompareYhigher performance  XCompareYlower performance  XandYsame as performance  UncertaintyXandYdifference in performance NEW QUESTION 50HDFSThe system time of the node where the client is located is the same as theFusionInsight HDThe system time of the cluster should be consistent, if there is time difference, then the time difference should be less than a few minutes?  5  10  20  30 NEW QUESTION 51FusionInsight HDmiddle,HiveWhich of the following parameters of the client is used to controlreduceConcurrency? (multiple choice)  hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer  hive.exec-ducers.max  hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions  hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode NEW QUESTION 52existFusionInsight HDproduct,KafkaWhat is the role name of the service?  Producer  Broker  Consumer  ZooKeeper NEW QUESTION 53passing throughFusionindight ManagerWhen the interface creates a user, you want the user to have access to allTopichave Read and write permissions, but not createTopicpermissions should be addedkafkaWhich group of services?  KafkaadminGroup  KakfaGroup  kafkasuperuserGroup NEW QUESTION 54existSolrWhen indexing, which of the following code snippets can significantly improve indexing performance? (multiple choice)  IbClient.setRequestWriter(new BinaryRequestWriter())  if(updateRequest.getDocumentsMap(O.size( )>= 10000)cloudSolClient.request (updateRequest,collName);updateRequest.clear();}  if(updateRequest.getDocuments( ).size( )>= 1000){cloudSolrClient.request(updateRequest,collName);updateRequest.clear();}  SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();doc.addField(“id”,i.toString ());doc.addField(“name”, “Zhang San”+ i);doc.addField(“features”,”test”+ i);doc.addField (“price”, (float)i*1.01);cloudSolrClient.add(doc);cloudSolrClient.commit(); NEW QUESTION 55When the cluster is normal,RedisClient initiates oncegetCall, the client has () times of message interaction with the server?  1  2  3  4 NEW QUESTION 56Spark SQLIn the table, there are often many small files (the size is much smaller thanHDFSblock size), in this case,Sparkwill enable aTaskto process these small files, whenSQLexist in operationShufleWhen operating, will greatly increasehashThe number of dynamic buckets will seriously affect the performance.  True  False NEW QUESTION 57FusionInsight HDWhich of the following belong toOozieofMapReduce Actionconfiguration item? (multiple choice)  name-node  source (HDFSofAction)  mapred.mapper.class  job-tracker NEW QUESTION 58Oozieofworkflow.xmlfile is the workflow configuration file  True  False NEW QUESTION 59aboutStreamingthe topology (Topology), which of the following descriptions is wrong?  OneTopologyis made up of a group ofSpoutcomponents andBotcomponents passStream GroupingsA connected directed acyclic graph (DAG)  Topologywill run until it is explicitlykill  Business logic is encapsulated inTopologymiddle  OneTopologyOnly one can be specified to startWorkerprocess NEW QUESTION 60FusionInsight HDmiddle,Oozieclient’sJava APIwill be called when the task is run OozieClientWhich method of the class?  suspend  getJobInfo  submit  Run NEW QUESTION 61Which of the following causesHDFSofNameNodeEntersafemode(install”aroot form)? (multiple choice)  Active and standbyNameNodeThe disk space where the metadata is located is insufficient.  The number of missing blocks exceeds the read value.  Lost copies exceed read value.  The corrupted copy exceeds the threshold. NEW QUESTION 62existFusionInsight HDproductSolrDuring application development, you canSolr Admin UIrightCollectionDo some verification.Below aboutSolr Admin UIIs the statement correct? (multiple choice)  clickClouddownTree,CheckSolr CloudmiddleCollections, a configuration set, andlive_nodesand other metadata information  clickCloud, see eachCollectionunder eachShardReplicadistribution and status  enter aCollectionofShard ReplicaofCore Overviewinterface, you can view theReplicaIndex the actual document Number of bars, storage size and location information  Solruser group,Solr adminrole andSuper groupof users have access toSolr Admin UI NEW QUESTION 63aboutFusionInsight HDplatformHiveservice, itsWebHCatDevelopment interface, which of the following descriptions is incorrect?  Support based onRESTquery request  WebHCatThe return data format isSML  WebHCatbased onHTTPandHTTPSAgreement to provide services to the outside world  able to passWebHCatCreate tables, query, etc. NEW QUESTION 64Fusioninsight HDsystematicv100R002C60version,HiveOnly supports based onMapReduceengine query service, does not support based onSparkEngine query service  True  False NEW QUESTION 65aboutStreamingdisaster recovery capability, which of the following statements is correct? (multiple choice)  SupervisorAfter the process exits, it can beNimbusAutomatically identify and pull up without affecting running business.  WorkerCan be used after abnormal exitSupervisorPulls up automatically without manual intervention.  When a node fails, the tasks on the node will be reassigned to other normal nodes without manual intervention.  NimbusAfter the failure, the backupNimbusIt will take over automatically without affecting the running business. NEW QUESTION 66In useSolrWhen performing a full-text search, you canwtThe parameter specifies the response format of the query result. close AtSolrThe response format of the query result, which of the following statements is wrong?  supportCSVandJSON  supportCSV,JSONandHTML  supportCSV,JSONandXML NEW QUESTION 67Which of the following scenarios is notflinkWhat does the component excel at()?(multiple choice)  Batch Iterative  Computing Stream  Processing  Data Storage  Loading … Ace H13-723_V2.0 Certification with 370 Actual Questions: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2022-10-25 11:50:09 Post date GMT: 2022-10-25 11:50:09 Post modified date: 2022-10-25 11:50:09 Post modified date GMT: 2022-10-25 11:50:09