NO.48 Which two are characteristics of microservices?
Learn About the Microservices Architecture
If you want to design an application that is multilanguage, easily scalable, easy to maintain and deploy, highly available, and that minimizes failures, then use the microservices architecture to design and deploy a cloud application.
In a microservicesarchitecture, each microservice owns a simple task, and communicates with the clients or with other microservices by using lightweight communication mechanisms such as REST API requests.
The following diagram shows the architecture of an application thatconsists of multiple microservices.

Microservices enable you to design your application as a collection of loosely coupled services. Microservices follow the share-nothing model, and run as stateless processes. This approach makes it easier to scale andmaintain the application.
The API layer is the entry point for all the client requests to a microservice. The API layer also enables the microservices to communicate with each other over HTTP, gRPC, and TCP/UDP.
The logic layer focuses on a single business task, minimizing the dependencies on the other microservices.
This layer can be written in a different language for each microservice.
The data store layer provides a persistence mechanism, such as a database storage engine, log files, and so on.
Consider using a separate persistent data store for each microservice.
Typically, each microservice runs in a container that provides a lightweight runtime environment.
Loosely coupled with other services – enables a team to work independently the majority of time on their service(s) without being impacted by changes to other services and without affecting other services
