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To pass the UiPath-Ardv1 exam, you should use a reliable preparation source that contains complete information about the UiPath-Ardv1 exam. UiPath Certified Advanced RPA Developer (UiARD) is the most powerful certification that candidates can have on their resume. But for this, they will have to pass UiPath-Ardv1 exam. UiPath-Ardv1 is an advanced level exam conducted by UiPath, to pass this exam candidates will have to work hard with the help of the right focus and preparation material, passing this exam is an achievable goal. Exams4sures help candidates by providing the most relevant and updated UiPath-Ardv1 exam dumps. Furthermore, We also provide the UiPath-Ardv1 practice test that will be much beneficial in the preparation. Exams4sures aims to provide the best UiPath-Ardv1 exam dumps that are verified by the UiPath certified Industry experts. If candidates feel any doubt in the UiPath-Ardv1 practice test then our team is always there to help them. UiPath-Ardv1 exam dumps are the perfect way to prepare UiPath-Ardv1 exam and which will be helping candidates to pass the exam with good grades in their first attempt itself. So, candidates want instant success in the UiPath-Ardv1 exam with quality UiPath-Ardv1 training material then Exams4sures is the best option for them.   NEW QUESTION 38What activity can you use to get a column value from a specific row of a DataTable?Options are :  Row Read Cell  Get Row Item  Remove Data NEW QUESTION 39What type of argument can you define to pass data and retrieve the modified value from an invoked workflow?Options are :  In  In/Out  Out NEW QUESTION 40Which of the following SQL statements can be executed by using the activity called Execute Non Query?Options are :  Insert  Update  Select  Delete NEW QUESTION 41A developer is working on an automation. The automated process must log into Citrix and click on the “Generate Shipment Details” button. Ideally, this generates a table of shipping records. If the generated table displays only the header row and no data is available, then it should be marked as an exception since the data is incomplete.What is this type of exception?  BusinessRuleException  NullReferenceException  ApplicationException  SystemException NEW QUESTION 42At the end of the execution of Workflow1, which retrieves some items from a database, is the database connection closed automatically?Options are :  Yes, the connection is closed after 30 seconds.  The connection has to be closed using a Disconnect activity.  Only the database admin can decide this aspect. NEW QUESTION 43A developer reviewed the following sequence:The parameters of the Invoke Method are:In order to get the table name of the first element in the DataSet, which expressions should the developer use?  DataSet.Tables(0).TableName  DataSet.Tables(1).TableName  DataSet.Rows(0).TableName  DataSet.Rows(1).TableName NEW QUESTION 44In UiPath Studio, what describes project validation and workflow analysis?  Validation of the file or project is performed whenever the Workflow Analyzer is triggered.  Validation of the file or project is performed after the Workflow Analyzer finishes the report.  Validation of the file or project is performed only if the user triggers Validate File and Validate Project.  Validation of the file or project is performed only when running or debugging. NEW QUESTION 45Which of the following statements is true regarding Lists and Arrays?Options are :  You can add any number of elements to an array.  You can iterate through a List using a For Each loop activity.  List items can be added using an Add to Collection activity.  Array and List elements can be accessed by index. NEW QUESTION 46Is it possible to retrieve the color of a specific Excel cell?Options are :  No, The color cannot be retrieved from a workbook  Only with an OCR Engine  Yes, by using Get Cell Color NEW QUESTION 47Where should credentials be stored? Select all the options that apply.Options are :  In Windows Credential Store.  In Orchestrator, as assets.  Directly inside the workflows, as variables. NEW QUESTION 48How does the Anchor Base activity work?Options are :  It searches for an UiElement at a fixed anchor position.  It searches for an UiElement using a relative coordinate position.  It searches for an UiElement by using another UiElement as anchor. NEW QUESTION 49In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, if a System Error is encountered in the Process Transaction state of the Main workflow, which state is executed next?Options are :  Get Transaction Data  Init  End Process NEW QUESTION 50Where can you trigger an unattended robot from? Select all the options that apply.Options are :  The UiPath Robot icon in the system tray  UiPath Studio  Remotely, from Orchestrator NEW QUESTION 51“Add Assets” in Orchestrator has the following option:Options are :  Value Per Robot  Value Per Process  Single Value  Value Per Environment NEW QUESTION 52How should a UiPath developer handle frequent changes in the project files?Options are :  Old versions of the project files are not relevant  By creating daily backups of the files  By using a source control solution, such as SVN, TFS, etc. NEW QUESTION 53In which workflow in the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template is the retry mechanism implemented?Options are :  The Main workflow  The SetTransactionStatus workflow  The GetTransactionData workflow NEW QUESTION 54You want to identify a selector for a button in an application. The selector will be used as the target in a Click activity.In order to ensure the Click activity executes as intended, how many elements should the selector be valid for at runtime?  1 element  2 elements  3 elements  5 elements NEW QUESTION 55What is the safest way to close an application?Options are :  By using the Process Name property of the Kill Process Activity  By sending the Alt + F4 hotkeys  By using the Close Application activity NEW QUESTION 56A developer wants to use the Dispatcher and Performer architecture.What describes the characteristics of a Dispatcher and a Performer process?  Dispatcher is used to add Queue Items to an Orchestrator Queue Performer should be created in the REFramework  Dispatcher can only interact with one Orchestrator Queue Performer is used to process Queue Items one at a time  Dispatcher is used to process transaction items from an Orchestrator Queue Performer can interact with multiple Orchestrator Queues  Dispatcher is always created in the REFramework Performer can only interact with one Orchestrator Queue NEW QUESTION 57A developer is using GIT for version control. While the developer is attempting to Commit and Push a local file to the repository, the following pop-up message is displayed:What is the reason for the pop-up message?  Project was not properly checked out in Studio and merge failed into the master.  Local repository is not synchronized with the remote one.  Opened project was disconnected from the source control.  Local version was not connected to any branch. NEW QUESTION 58Review the following exhibit:Based on the exhibit, what is the result of the Write Line in the sequence?  123  True  Hello  123True NEW QUESTION 59Which is the best way to navigate to a specific page in a web browser?Options are :  Use the Type Into activity inside an Attach Browser container  Use the Navigate To activity inside an Attach Browser container  Use a Type Into activity with a full selector NEW QUESTION 60What represents an example of a full selector?  <webctrl href=’/studio/docs/about-licensing’ parented=’hub-sidebar-content’ tag=’A’ /><webctrl parented=’hub-sidebar-content’ tag=’SPAN’ />  <ctrl name=’File’ role=’popup menu’ /><ctrl automationid=’6′ />  <html app=’chrome.exe’ title=’Full versus Partial Selectors’ /><webctrl aaname=’About Selectors’ parentid=’content-container’ tag=’A’ />  <wnd aaname=’Explorer Pane’ cls=’DirectUIHWND’ /><ctrl automationid=’System.ItemNameDisplay’ /> NEW QUESTION 61If a large item collection is processed using For Each, which activity enables you to efficiently exit the loop after a specific moment?Options are :  No activity can be used. Instead, you have to create a Boolean variable based on which the For Each loop is broken  The “Break” activity is the most suitable in For Each  A While loop should be used instead of For Each NEW QUESTION 62In this exercise, you will create a UiPath automation that performs the steps below.To achieve this, you will use the REFrameWork as the starting template and follow the UiPath development best practices.Here are the steps performed by the Robot:1. Log in to https://www.acme-test.com2. On the landing page, Dashboard, click or hover over the Vendors menu item and then click on Search for Vendor. Click on Display All Vendors. Scrape the data from the whole table displayed. The resulting datatable will be used as the input data for the process. Navigate back to the dashboard.Note: Navigation can be achieved in multiple ways by the robot – choose whichever you find best.3. For each Tax ID:– Navigate to Vendors – Search page (click or hover over the Vendors menu item and then click on Search for Vendor);– Type the Tax ID into the Vendor Tax ID field;– Click on Search;– Extract the values for the Vendor, City and Country and compare them with the values from the previously extracted table from the Display All Vendors page (check for EXACT match for all fields!);– If the values are not matching, this should be categorized as a Business Rule Exception;– If the City does NOT belong to the group {“”Rimini””, “”Berlin””, “”Roma””, “”Iasi””, “”Koln””}, this should be categorized as the second Business Rule Exception. We can only process requests from these cities. Check the City value extracted after the individual Tax ID search;– If no Business Rule Exception, Append the resulting datatable from each page into an CSV file; you shouldn’t worry about the headers and format of the output file.Constraints to follow in the development, using the REFrameWork:1. TransactionItem datatype should be a DataRow. The process should recover and retry 2 times in case of errors in navigation between the Vendor Search and Vendor Search Results pages. One transaction is the action of navigating to the Vendor Search page, searching for the TaxID and scraping the values from the resulting one row table. (Similar to ACME Process 5 from the UiPath Academy).2. Create a separate workflow file for the Login to ACME. File input arguments: URL ; Username ; Password .3. Create a separate workflow file for closing ACME.4. Add the ACME_URL and ACME_Credential to the Excel Config file.5. Populate InitAllApplications.xaml from the Framework folder with Invoking the Login to ACME and navigation to the Work Items.6. Populate CloseAllApplications.xaml from the Framework folder with Invoking the Close ACME.7. Populate KillAllProcesses.xaml from the Framework folder with killing the process used.8. Populate the Process.xaml file with the following actions: Navigation, Searching for TaxID, Scraping, Checking if the values match, Checking for the correct City, Appending to CSV.Important Note: Don’t use external file references outside of the project folder (including Orchestrator Assets). Place all the used files within the project folder, zip that folder and upload it to the UiPath Certification Platform.Zip ALL the used workflow files AND the output Excel file. Then upload the .zip file to the UiPath Certification Platform.Options are :ALL THE BEST!  Send us your feed back on this  Loading … UiPath-ARDv1 Dumps To Pass UiPath Exam in 24 Hours - Exams4sures: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2022-06-17 03:13:57 Post date GMT: 2022-06-17 03:13:57 Post modified date: 2022-06-17 03:13:57 Post modified date GMT: 2022-06-17 03:13:57